Sunday, February 13, 2011


Evidently Micheal Jackson is making a huge comeback! Did you catch 'Glee' after the super bowl? They performed 'thriller' at their half-time show. And dateline NBC covered him by way of his little sister's (Janet) new book. There is also the micheal Jackson dance game released before Christmas that probably started this growing trend. However if you were born into my husband's family, the Micheal Jackson frenzied 'fan'atism has not begun- O NO! My mother-in-law has got to be the biggest MJ fan in the world! And that gene, unknown go me, has been passed to my 5 yr old son. There are many things a mother wishes for her children to inherit- this, however, I don't think tops many lists. That's right my friends, my son is proudly dancing around to Thriller and Bad (perhaps bad should preceed Thriller) and he is the whitest boy I know. Why couldn't he getthe dance gene from me? Nope, he got that gene from his daddy too. I have to say that all the MJ music at our house lately has brougt back found memories of my childhood! But if this is a phase that is going to stay,and these are the ones that usually do, we may have to invest in some dancing lessons. :-)

On with the deals:
Extra 25%off sale items at The children's Place
$29 for 3-month Family Membership for Meal Plans and Hardcover Book "Too Small to be Big" by Rickie Lake & John Monaco, MD from ($85 Value) is having a blowout sale with shoes up to 70% off!
Save an additional 20% with promo Xcode ALLYOU20 and free shipping with code novahip!

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